Mortgage Calc

Use the free online mortgage calculator below to estimate your monthly mortgage repayments and the amount of interest you will pay over the term of the mortgage.

It doesn't matter whether you require remortgage quotes or a first time mortgage, you need to be aware of what your monthly repayments are likely to be. This is where the mortgage calc can help.

To use the online mortgage calc you just need to enter three values, the amount you wish to borrow, the term of the mortgage (in the UK this is usually 25 years) and the interest rate of the lender.

Note: The current UK base rate is still at just 0.5% and UK Interest rates remain at an all time low.

The above calculations are for illustrative purposes only. You will need to seek professional financial advice if you want more detailed quotes.

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Remortgage Quotes UK

You may find the mortgage calc particularly useful if you are looking for a remortgage quote. In the UK, interest rates have been falling for some time, so it might be a good idea to look at your finances and think about remortgaging to a better deal.

The mortgage calculator is free to use and can give you an idea of what the monthly repayments are likely to be at various different rates of interest. This could help you decide which lenders to target for your remortgage quotes.

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